Searching for colleges or universities to attend can be an exciting time. And if you are preparing to study in a particular field, chosing the right institution to study at is of paramount importance. Depending on which subject you are interested in, obtaining a international bachelor’s degree (known as เรียนอินเตอร์ปริญญาตรี in Thai) could be a appealing route to take for many reasons. You can go to class with classmates from all over the world, live in a foreign culture that will add to your experience, and potientially save money in the long run.  Bangkok has been one of the most attractive cities for studying abroad for many reasons. It’s home for dozens of universities that offer a wide variety of degrees as well as cheap living expenses compared to other parts of the world.

Study with Other International Students 

One of the greatest benefits to studying abroad is meeting people from so many different cultures and backgrounds. This can prove invaluable in many different fields of studies. Thailand in particular boast some of the most diverse classrooms in the region with students from all over Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and even as far away as the United States.

Home to Many Universities and Programs 

Bangkok is home to several univeristies, many of which offer a wide variety of degrees and programs. Some studies that many are interested in that are offered in the Bangkok area include:

  • Business Administration
  • Accounting
  • Communication
  • Architecture
  • Economics
  • Agriculture

Of the dozens of schools in the area, nearly every student can find a suitable program to study in.

A Unique Learning Enviorment

Bangkok is well-known for being one of the best tourist destinations in the world. What many don’t realise is that it’s also a great place to live!            Known for it’s vibrate food and nightlife, studying abroad in Bangkok will offer experiences to students that they may not otherwise have in their home country. These experiences will stay with you long after you have received a degree and will have an impact on the future in many ways.

Price is Right 

Studying abroad in Thailand can also be more affordable that going to school in your home country. Schools can typically cheaper than univeristies back home while still offering quality education. On the same token, living expenses in Bangkok have the potential to be far cheaper than what you may be used to back home. Accomidation, food, and transportation are all cost that students must take into account, and in Bangkok they can be considerably less.

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